10 Improvisational Piano Etudes by Jeff Coffin (Digital e-Book Format)
What you have here are my 10 IMPROVISATIONAL PIANO ETUDES.
I originally played and then transcribed them on flute (also available as 10 Improvisational Flute Etudes, 10 Improvisational Clarinet Etudes, 10 Improvisational Alto Sax Etudes, 10 Improvisational Tenor Sax Solos, 10 Improvisational Trumpet Solos) and they work great for piano too!
Streaming MP3s are available at https://www.jeffcoffin.com/piano so you can hear and get a feel for the solos. The solo etudes are performed by some of my favorite piano players…Russell Ferrante, Howard Levy, Chris Walters, Jeff Babko, Pat Coil, and David Rodgers.