Only the Horizon by Jeff Coffin [DIGITAL]
Only the Horizon by Jeff Coffin [SIGNED CD]
Coffin/Perlson/Krauss by Jeff Coffin, Jordan Perlson, and Viktor Krauss [SIGNED CD]
Between Dreaming and Joy by Jeff Coffin [SIGNED CD & POSTER BUNDLE]
Look Up! by Band Of Other Brothers [PHYSICAL CD]
Look Up! by Band Of Other Brothers [DIGITAL]
Let It Shine by Jeff Coffin & Helen Gillet [SIGNED CD]
Let It Shine by Jeff Coffin & Helen Gillet [DIGITAL]
Symbiosis by Jeff Coffin & Derek Brown [SIGNED CD]
Symbiosis by Jeff Coffin & Derek Brown [DIGITAL]
Commonality by Jeff Coffin [SIGNED CD]
Songs of Solitude by Jeff Coffin [DIGITAL]
Emergence by Jeff Coffin & Pat Coil [DIGITAL]
Tall & Lanky by Jeff Coffin [DIGITAL]
Gratitude (for Charles & Dorothy) by Jeff Coffin [DIGITAL]
"The Longest Night" by Portara Ensemble, Jeff Coffin, and Ciona Rouse [DIGITAL]
"Music in Our Dreams" by Dream Shanti [DIGITAL]
On the Corner Live! The Music of Miles Davis by Dave Liebman [DIGITAL]